Missed on this combo?

I don't think it's your or anyone's fault for buying heads like the big mouth. Even if you take their numbers with a LARGE grain of salt. It's still worth while to check them out and see how they do. You can never know what something really does, without trying it yourself.Is it? I think so but it still hurts. I don't consider it money lost. I don't -its a learning experience-but if you default on your mortgage than that is a problem. You shouldn't either. Consider it money spent on research. I should know better and set my expectations much much lower than advertised-and yet the heads were off the pace even more than I accounted for. I think it's money well spent.If mine make power-I agree. If they don't I disagree. If it prevents your customers and others from making the same mistake. And it only helps boost your credibility. Credibility aside I have a major problem with this because it teaches me something. Essentially I can come up with a product (and believe me I can) and even if it doesn't work I can still push it and market it and tout it for all it isn't?
Sorry guys but this is what's wrong with the world--NOBODY is held accountable for anything anymore!

In my world if it don't perform ----work on it 'till it does

If it doesn't work as well as it should---fuckin fix it!

If it works after all of the above-it may actually be something.

So thank you. For spending your hard earned dollars to see if those heads would work for guys like us. I truly appreciate t.