Missed on this combo?

No! The shape is wrong but the material is there to work with. Have you ever flowed an untouched W2? They flow a whopping 231-232 cfm peak! But an hour of massaging and they are tickling 290 cfm with KILLER low lift. The shape is all wrong in this example too but at least you have something to work with. J.Rob
Take me literally why don't you...lol
Yeah no ****, Ive flowed quite a few. I'm talking about what you have to work with to start , its not hard get the numbers with that as cast turn. Now for a sec stop thinking w2, that general shape ,more laid back , can do very well on a j head ...but we aren't screwing with this in Mike's thread. However this is fact, tested myself , idgas if no one here agrees... they can do it how they want. :)