Whatever happened to customer service????

I like to think that poor customer service will kill a business eventually. Years ago, Sears was huge, they had brick and mortar stores everywhere, plus huge catalog/mail order sales. I used to buy thousands of dollars of merchandise every year.
They screwed me over on a service plan I had paid on for years for a freezer. When it broke down. I said, why fix it, just give me credit for a couple hundred bucks on a new freezer, and I'm good. But no, they insisted on sending out this "repairman", who spent over 5hrs and probably over a $100 on parts, and still couldn't fix it. So instead they refunded my last year's service insurance fee (like $30) and called it good. Around this same time, I had a Sears big console color TV, that when you turned it on would turn itself back off within 10 seconds. After 1/2 dozen service calls, they just quit on that, too. I vowed to never buy Sears stuff again, and I told this story to everyone I knew. Now, I hear they may fold before the year is out. Good riddance. That is a classic case of poor customer service killing a giant corporation.
the reason you don't get good customer service is because you don't address the problem right then and there. when you are not satisfied, demand to see whoever is in charge right then and there. let them know that you are displeased with the way you have been treated. don't wait or put it off for later. let them know that they are going to fix the problem right now, get a little louder as you speak with them, this will attract the attention of other customers. be aggressive don't let them try and calm you down. tell them after dealing with them you are going to go right up the chain to the owner if you have to. just make them aware that you are not going to lay down and take it. even contact the BBB and let them know about your whole situation. believe it or not this really works. I have done it many times, I have even done it on ebay and the BBB from that state has even contacted me and interviened on my behalf. remember that you have to be assertive. take no for an answer, try it what do you have to lose? (scampman)