How many items can you sell before you should pay vendor fees?

I'll be watching this thread, not that anything we think will make a difference in the way things are done because it apparently varies a great deal who can get away with doing what on here without being a vendor.
If fee paying vendors and advertisers were to go away for example, I'd bet this website would collapse from lack of interest on the part of the website owner to keep it going.

If everyone that had a few hundred or thousand dollars in parts or products to sell, they wouldn't do it here if they were forced to pay the vendor fee and the site would suffer from that as well.
Might as well just go to retailers for your parts instead of here if that were the case.
Then we would just have a discussion board with a bunch of retailers trying to convince you to buy their stuff, but not one OEM part available.

All things considered it's probably best left the way it is now, where if you are a commercial seller and feel the vendor fee is recoverable with the increased sales then pay the fee and get your commercial ads included in the fee and sell away.
If you are just trying to make a few extra bucks to offset your hobby a little like I do then you should be left to do so.

Well unless you make a fee paying vendor cry and he demands the website owner do something about you. (and he will)
Now watch this post, or at least that last sentence disappear from my post like magic.