Graveyardcarz is restoring a 71 Demon 340

Yup Mark is one goofy dude but does know his stuff about MOPARS and makes sure everybody knows it.

I think your all confusing what Worman actually does, as opposed to his reality TV persona. I have never met him, nor seen one of his cars in person, but they look pretty nice. As far as his know it all attitude, I think that is TV, not him, as I am sure the fake drama and "tricks" they play on his daughter are not real either. Give the guy some credit. He is a regular old body shop guy, worked his way into his own shop, has a passion for Mopar Muscle Cars, made a great resto business on the side and got a TV show out of it. The TV show also probably, gives him a lot of the shop equipment as perks and free advertising. And I still think the guy is funny!

I think you guys nailed it. I'm fairly certain that he's a loud/obnoxious guy in real life...but I'm also totally certain that they're hamming it up for the camera. The tricks and the egos are really blown out of proportion, certainly at the direction of the production team/show runners. Reality TV shows are always at least 25% not reality.

And yes: Worman knows his stuff! There may be folks on here who know more than he does but he's got to be in the top 1% of Mopar "historians" and I'm glad that guys like him are out there.

I don't doubt you guys who say his restorations aren't perfect. I couldn't possibly care less about that fact. They're damn close, look and probably drive like factory fresh machines and they're actively saving cars that would have been scrapped. They're heroes in my book.