Hope every 1 had a safe EASTER

krazy , its sounds out of this world , but is was this was not luck, but PURE GODS WORK. T get run over by 2 semi"s and be alive
is GODS work but to not have any cuts but in my eyes I have no reason not to Believe!! but my head is scrambled like an egg , my spine neck and torso hurts like shoot me now please , my left knee hurts bad , I suppose it hit the blinker or column, but throw yourself in a dice box and shake it hard as you can for 20- 30 seconds , I don't know , how long does it take a fully loaded semi to stop at 65 or 70 . The ride was pure Hell but I did have my seat belt on if you see just the few pics I posted you would not bet a penny any 1 lived threw that twisted up peice of steel and nylon. Well we all know it takes 15 seconds to let the oil gt up in the engine to protect it, so use that 15 second to click that seet belt on , there very comfortable now days and you really don't know you have it on until you try to get out of the car at the gas station or wherever. The is just sitting now as I just put a new alternator on it before the accident and I need to re hook up my throttle cable to my carb , but phyicacaly cant yet , and mentally I will not let my self drive until my head feels better, I would have no reaction time to void hitting a child or any thing else that happens before you can blink an eye.I"m just happy to have blood family close to help me out ,a lot of people don't have that luxury and I don't take it for granted. Then I have this AWSOME FABO FAMILY who helped me build a 360 engine then sent me parts to rebuild it when my buddie didn't have a clue what he was doing and it blew up. yet you all helped with out asking and we all built a little screamer. No worries tho I am a fighter and will be back in the Baracuda before long Hagr812 ya all winstoninwisc

Wow, I didn't know about your accident... You're very lucky to survive that....

I know about seat belts... I have worn them before they became a law...

My dad totaled a 67 Barracuda Fastback Formula S 383 4 Speed when it was only 6 months old... He had to swerve into a ditch to avoid hitting another car and totaled it, but had his seat belt on and walked away with only bruises around his waist...

Back in 88 I was rear ended by a drunk 18 year old doing over 80 MPH with my seat belt on and walked away with a severe case of whiplash - it straightened the curve of my spine at my neck he hit me so hard... Coincidentally I was also driving a 67 Barracuda Fastback Formula S, but it was a 273 car....

So both of those incidents just reinforced me to wear a seat belt...