Attention Panhandlers...

There's lots of panhandlers around the downtown here. They always ask if you got any "spare" change. Had a guy ask me once. I said nope. He says "Well I can hear the jingling in your pockets".

First off. What's in my pocket's is my business. So feel free to **** off. But I'm too nice to say that. So I said "Yup. I got lots of change, none of it is spare". And walked away.

These people got lots of money to go buy a couple burgers. What's a mcdouble these days? Not even two bucks. Any money you give them goes straight to the bottle. Or drugs. If you want to help the people that REALLY need it. Call your local food bank. Ask what they need most of that week. And go get some. That food will go to the mouths of hungry struggling families and children.