Mopar Neighbor bout to put me at wits ends or jail

Wish I could help you. Kinda got the same thing here.
My drive is connected to the drive that accesses the neighbor behind my house.
The bad news is that their drive is a little over 1/4 mile long. So they have a stretch to get a good head of steam going. The good news is that I'm not going to replace a single pebble because I only drive about 10 feet of it. The deed states that I own the driveway for aprox 700' and there is no easement. The property was all owned by a large family, so nothing was ever written up. I bought mine from a brother who couldn't stay in the house after his wife passed.
Get past the stretch that I own and the drive is ate up with pot holes. So you know they don't care about their cars.
Right now, I don't really care, but if anyone decides that I need to drop gravel, I'll close the lane and they can make a new drive. They do have road frontage, just a different road.