Mopar Neighbor bout to put me at wits ends or jail

I'm not sure what it's like there, but here it becomes a "Rightaway".

If someone has to use that road to leave their property it becomes a public Rightaway and you can't obstruct it (though you can post speed limit signs and set guidelines in place for etiquette.

We were on the other side of the fence here, when the neighbor above us tried to cut off our driveway (our driveway hugged the edges of each neighbors property above us, requiring about 3' of each neighbor's ground for our driveway). It wasn't a new concept either, all 3 homes had been there since the late 1800's early 1900's.

One particular neighbor felt the need to block the driveway and even went as far as cementing 4x4" Box Iron Tubes down the middle of the driveway. I was a little kid when my dad climbed into into his 440 Cuda, slammed it into 1st gear and pinned the throttle to the floor, mowing through those posts that ran up the center of the driveway.

It was then, after my dad went to court, that we learned it was a public Rightaway, and if my dad "wanted to be a dick" he could claim up to 18 feet to use for a Rightaway.