How many times is... going to take? My loving wife, Ernestina, has this really annoying habit...more like 2. We are heading to wherever...I am driving. She will have the newspaper/smartphone in her hands. Will find something she finds interesting and insist on me seeing that moment. I will do the same thing I do everytime....point to the speedometer and the road...her response..."Oh yeah, sorry".
Annoying habit #2...I am on the treadmill...she will have her Internet device on her lap. A commercial for a show/movie will come on with an actor that she has seen in a,movie show which I hear "'s whatsherface/whatshisface....she/he was just in that movie/show...what's their name"? To which I will say, as I am huffing and puffing...kinda busy right now but if you get me my phone I will look it up for you...This happens at least 6 of the 7 nights I am on the treadmill...:wtf: :BangHead::wtf:
Stay off the treadmill, its bad for you.