They are gonna kill it....

As a Licensed Land Surveyor I commend you on installing YOUR fence well on YOUR PROPERTY. Any reasonable person, judge or jury would likely find that the neighbors goats must be found guilty of being totally ignorant of potential harm if they congregate or loiter too close to YOUR fence and dogs. LMAO
Laugh if you want but this issue with the neighbor and his goats turned a bit serious the other day...enough so that the Sheriff was called...Sheriff feels everyone is at fault..our part of the problem is our 2 of our dogs sticking their heads thru the fence...neighbors chunk of it is not installing a secondary fence to keep his goats away from OUR fence...which my neighbor claimed he was going to do 6 months ago. Our neighbors are relying on a field fence that is 30" tall to contain his goats. This fence has 0 tension on it...all but the corner rail road posts are rotted...the only reason they are standing is because of a few t-posts nearby. In talking with the Sheriff, we'll within earshot of the neighbor, I told him that my neighbor has no trouble using OUR fence to contain his goats...that is until there is a problem with it. When we spent the time and money to put it up these folks were full of praise....shortly afterwards the goats showed up. We have been told several times by these folks that they were going to put up an electric wire fence...and a secondary buffer fence...first time we heard this was close to 2 years ago...we are still waiting...
He accused us of "not handling our business"...because we have a "cuisinart" of a fence due to the fact that our dogs can stick their head thru it. He told the Sheriff that our entire neighborhood is terrorized by our dogs. We told the Sheriff that we have talked to the neighbors behind us and on the other side. Neither one has a problem with our dogs. The Sheriff did tell them to pay no mind of what happens along the 3 sides of our property that doesn't border them.
I informed the Sheriff that I will install a second fence to my existing one. The existing one has 4"×4" openings. The one I just finished on that side has 4"×2" openings...ain't no way my dog can get its block head thru it. I also will be running barb wire down that side...and will be installing an electric fence.
I told the neighbor, and the Sheriff, that if the problem persists I will remove the fence...and put it back up 40' from the property line. Along the property like I will simply run a single strand of barb wire. And sit outside with a.223 rifle...any animal that passes thru the barb wire will be shot...
The Sheriff instructed my neighbor that is well with in my rights...he also suggested that there is a very simple addition to me putting up the fence with the smaller openings he NEEDS to put up his own fence, several feet from mine. He suggested a minimum of 48" high...with an additional barb wire on top. That containing HIS animals is HIS responsibility...

The little dog that has been showing up...has been here twice already today. Went outside with a 38 loaded with blanks...the dog is not afraid of gun fire. I spoke with the Sheriff about this...he told me to shoot in its
....this is sitting near the back door...