Over the Counter Zinc Additive

Doesn't the Lucas ZDDP tell you to use the whole bottle with 5 quarts?
Yes it does. BUT, their data sheet says it will raise the ZDDP levels up to around 5000-5200 PPM. That is 3-4 times the ZDDP levels in the oils prior to the ZDDP reductions.
- Typical old levels were in the 1500 PPM range. That got reduced to 1100-1300 PPM range in the 90's and issues were not showing up with cams.
- New levels on the oil weights 30W and lower are now in the 600-800 PPM range, starting around 2005 or 2006 and THAT is when the issues cropped up.
- If you add the whole Lucas bottle to a newer oil and raise the ZDDP level to 5000-5200 PPM, then you have raised ZDDP levels by 7 to 1, but you only need to go up by 2 to 1. You have increased ZDDP levels by around 4000-4400 PPM.
- If you add 1/4 of a bottle, then you have added about 1000 PPM to the ZDDP levels, putting the final level up in the 1600-1800 PPM range, which is higher than the old old standard.
- Excess ZDDP has shown issues in studies going back as far as the 1970's. Here is just one link that can be found describing issues; others can be found by Googling 'excess ZDDP additive problems'.

How much Zinc and Phosphorus is too much,? | Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMO) - Gasoline Cars/Pickups/Vans/SUVs | Bob Is The Oil Guy