Jehovah's Witnesses

In post 139 I gave a short discussion on the history of the MSS used to translate the Bibles we have today.
Now, I want to post some numbers to show just how many changes there are in the new Bibles that come from these junk "older" MSS.

The numbers I post are changes made in the several versions as compared to the Bible that was given to us in the Textus Receptus. Here goes....

Number of verses affected:

NASB 909
RV 788
NWT 767 This is the JW Bible
NIV 695
Good News 614
Amplified 484
Douay 421 This is the Catholic Bible the pope said was infallible!!!!!
NKJV 1200

These numbers are from the book "Which Bible Can We Trust" by Les Garrett.
If you look at these numbers, one would have to believe that God Himself allowed man to stumble through the centuries and open and close the Reformation with a substandard Bible that needed to be corrected 400-1200 times.

These numbers would require that God hides things from man, and man was misled for CENTURIES by using MSS that were corrupted. It is just no so.

I could give many changes to the Bibles to show how silly it is to defend these "modern" translations but here I'll only give just one example.

Grab a NWT (JW) Bible and go to John, chapter 8 1:11 and notice the NWT has deleted the entire text? So we are to believe that all the others who used the TR were stupid and didn't get it correct, but Wescott and Hort were two smart fellows God brought along at the right time in history to "fix" the errors of the past?

BTW, most of the other translations leave it all there, but use a note in the margin. This is what the NIV says, and I quote "The earliest MSS and many other "ancient" "witnesses" do not have John 7:53-8-11".

Again, I say is older better? No!

It is beyond arrogant to think God would wait for thousands of years to correct his Scriptures. But that is what the people who clamor for "modern" Bibles want us to think. How can you change or erase hundreds of words, phrases and verses and only have 5, that is FIVE MSS, when the TR had 1900?