first time down the track advise?

i will get under there and have a look at the steel lines
the rubber is a bit harder to investigate, but ill see anyway

i know i rebuild the engine part of the fuel system last year, but cant remember what i did between the line and the pump...ill see

Ok one more thought:D if your sending unit is not accurate and your all most out of gas.............when you launch the car, fuel my run away from pick-up, causing it to stall out.
IF this was the case, i think it would quit completely and then be hard to start!

Do you drive to the track or trailer it there???

funny, while at the track, i asked the guy who rebuild my transmission what his thoughts where and he said the same thing
only problem is, i DID drive the car to the track (just under an hour from my house) but i stopped in halfway and filled her up
so even if the gauge is off (which i think it is, because when im on E i can only add 10 gallons) i still know the tank was well over half way full

I would not go to the track in anything w/ out 2 wheels pulling !

it definitely adds an extra dimension to it, i think i had to ease into it untill 50MPH or so, and even then it would spin

luckily i ran into some issues with the wifes acadia so im having that one towed to a buddies shop now
which is just the excuse i needed to get the duster out there when the acadia is done, so i can swap them and have him install that sure grip and longer studs