Lesser of two evils - screamers

IIRC the Excellerator ports are closer to small ports. It ran real good on my 367. a streeter at 11.3Scr and a 292/292/108 cam.
That engine will burn up the tires anyway, so if she's a little shy at 6500, so what.Or if a little soft under 2000,so what.Hah, that's not gonna happen with a 2500 and 3.91s and 10/1.
I say bolt it on and go have fun, at least until July.
Next summer you will be back with Jheads, maybe more cam and then you will need more intake.
The summer after that, you will be sliding a 360 under the J heads, and the summer after that you will showing up with ported heads.
And after that will come a bigger cam again., and now the 2500Tc is scheduled for replacement.
Soon 8 years will have rolled by and that 367 doesn't seem as fast as it once was.