Front axles swap 9" drum to 10"

Did you have the car re-aligned after the swap? That is a must.
Did you alter the ride height? A realignment is a must.
Bid you move the alignment cams or the strut rod? A realignment is a must.
Is your front end changing ride height excessively during braking and accelerating? You will need to fix that with heavier duty shocks and probably bigger T-bars.
If you are having trouble in the corners, you will need a anti-sway bar.
And don't forget the rear; if she's bouncing around, you will be needing upgrades there as well.

When the front end moves up and down, the camber changes because the Control arms are not the same length.
When the camber changes, so does the toe.
The greater the oscillation, the greater the toe-change.
This characteristic cannot be eliminated,only minimized. You may need a custom alignment by a long-time experienced tech.