340/E85/D1SC/FItech1200 big hp SB guys step inside please!

T56 and turbovan, thanks for the FiTECH tips! Just wondering, what plugs do you guys think I should be starting with? I was thinking one heat range colder as I'll probably be starting out with only 5-7psi with the pulley I am using now.

So I finally swung the engine in, blower setup completely finished with tensioner pulley/pulley bracket installed. Everything looks great, only concern is there is only an inch or so clearance between the tensioner and the 3" pipe from the blower to the intercooler. I'm hoping the motor won't torque that much on the schumacher poly locks, but if it does it is nothing a torque strap can't fix.

TTI headers...they look AWESOME, the tubes fit great but I am pretty pissed at the flanges. After 6 hours of myself and 540challenger fumbling with them we finally realized the reason why we could never get the final bolt in on either side at the same time was because the holes in the flange were drilled wrong. When I say wrong, I mean we had to cut the flange and pry the most forward primary tube out maybe 5/16ths of an inch to be able to bolt them up. Wasn't happy about cutting the flange on a set of headers that I paid extra for to have ceramic coated and polished up, but at that point there was no way I was pulling the engine and trans out to remove/return the header and I would have had to oval every hole out to shift it enough (If I tried just slotting the bolt whole of the tube in question it would have had to have been slotted so much I'd be into the primary tube).

Next step is plumbing. Wasn't happy with any of the possible routes to run my hoses, so I came up with something I think will work. I'll post pics soon. Also cooling, I am really tired of nothing fitting right without fab work so I was thinking of just going to a flex fan if I can fit it. Just wondering what you guys think about a flex fan cooling this thing while cruising in summer heat? I know E85 is supposed to run cool, but it is still 600 something boosted HP. I was also thinking of going to a Ford Taurus electric fan.