Missed on this combo?

I would love to know what a "bunch" is? I looked all over my dyno readouts and graph axis for "bunch" . Found nothing. Some peoples bunch is 5 hp while some others is 50 hp so with out assigning a numeric value to it I ain't getting all worked up.

With that said, if it was what I consider a "bunch" (20-30hp down) I'd dive back into my engine to make sure it wasn't eating itself after verifying everything else (compression, lash, etc....) Then if there were any suspicion of the dyno being the culprit you put a known quantity on it and rule that out. Isn't this stuff fun?

With cool heads prevailing this may well be one of the most epic Mopar threads in recent internet history. I really appreciate ALL of the honesty that is displayed by IronMike and everyone else in it. Everyone with basic reading comprehension will have an almost unheard of opportunity to learn from this. J.Rob

For sure IronMike has not only a bunch of $$$$$ in this deal, he's emotionally invested in it as well. Been there and done did that.

I agree the bowls are most likely big, but I do know Chad Speer is at 91% or a bit more on some of his 23* stuff and they make power.

I also have trouble getting my head around Brett Miller missing on the valve job. He's just too smart, too detail oriented to miss the VJ. It's possible he missed on it. But it seems unlikely.

I hope IronMike gets this sorted out without more money and time and emotional investment. The last one is a killer. It's a second and third and fourth guessing yourself, questioning your own knowledge and guts.

Hang in there IronMike.

My offer still stands to run them over the flow bench for you.