Missed on this combo?

justinp61 wrote:
IMO there is more going on here than the heads.

Ironmike, there's nothing more frustrating than just waiting.....nothing you can do about that.
But you can give your eng a health checkup!
Check compression, pull valve cover, make sure everything is as you set it up. no loose valve adj(possible bent pushrod) Get your degree wheel back out and check the centerline again. Hell get your dial indicator out and verify your crank thrust just for giggles.
I'm sure everything is find but it give you that piece of mind. and if it's not, you can fix them while you wait.

You probably don't feel like doing much with it, at this point, and i sure don't blame you. But all you can do is look forward, to move forward.
Believe me, if i was anywheres close to you, i would be using these hands to assist not to bang on the keyboard!

keep your chin up.:thumbsup: