Dakota/ other projects are kickin my old A$$

Spent ?? last two weeks in the rain trying to figure how to pull ONLY the 5.2 out of a Dakota 4x4. This is the "Mini (White) Whale"

Bought with a bad 5.2 this winter. Drove it home with no brakes in low 4wd about a half mile up the street. It's sitting on the trailer, mainly, to take up less space. Stupid owner sold one disk and caliper and the alternator off it. So no brakes, no charge, and because of low voltage, no idle. I figured I'd just run it into a snow berm at low speed if I had to stop.

The front diff is attached to the engine with huge brackets, you cannot get to the converter bolts without removing one. IT SUCKS and the service manual SUCKS and is no help
