Spine Injections

3 surgeries here in total, cervical fusion(2 disks removed), and 2 microdiskectomies on the same disc in my lower back( lowest disk right above hip)The first one failed and I was damn near in a wheelchair. The second one by a different neurosurgeon got me back walking. They didn't want to remove that disk because of the condition of the ones above it. Before the lower back surgeries they tried the shot. For whatever reason I lost all feeling in my groin area for about 6 weeks. Pretty much in diapers at that point.
Only real advice I can give to someone having problems is to find a neurosurgeon who is going to send you for an Mri and/or a mylogram and leave the orthopedic doctors and chirocrackers for someone else. If you're having problems with a blown disk, pinched nerves, or such a chirocracker can do some real damage. Another thing is that if you are experiencing numbness and tingling the longer you wait the higher the chance for permanent nerve damage to set in. I waited too long.... but I do have some relief from the surgeries.

Like above, I'm done lifting stuff and done doing collision work for a living.