Spine Injections

Yep, the arthritis in my lower back and the spinal stenosis make me miserable and a poor candidate for surgery. Around here they only do the easy surgeries so I got the name of a neurosurgeon at the Cleveland Clinc so I might go there.
I've been on opioids for two years now and recently increased the dosage. I take 75mg of Nycenta every 4 hours and Gralese to try and calm my nerves. Not a lot compared to some people but the stuff makes me dizzy and hard to focus.
I here ya on how hard it is to get a disability from SS. Here in Michigan it's really hard.
Yet I'm still working but I don't how much longer I can. I've been hiding it and long as I can but I think my employer will force me out as they can't have me stumbling around and getting hurt. Then I lose my health insurance right when I need it most.
Life sucks.