Spine Injections

Yep, the arthritis in my lower back and the spinal stenosis make me miserable and a poor candidate for surgery. Around here they only do the easy surgeries so I got the name of a neurosurgeon at the Cleveland Clinc so I might go there.
I've been on opioids for two years now and recently increased the dosage. I take 75mg of Nycenta every 4 hours and Gralese to try and calm my nerves. Not a lot compared to some people but the stuff makes me dizzy and hard to focus.
I here ya on how hard it is to get a disability from SS. Here in Michigan it's really hard.
Yet I'm still working but I don't how much longer I can. I've been hiding it and long as I can but I think my employer will force me out as they can't have me stumbling around and getting hurt. Then I lose my health insurance right when I need it most.
Life sucks.
I have been out of work for over a year now and have taken so many different drugs it is ridiculous.I was up to 2400 mg of Motrin along with Valium,Vicodin and neurontin all at the same time. It tore my stomach up to the point of bleeding.I ended up going off all nsaids due to this. Whatever you do, get 2nd and 3rd opinions from very reputable neurosurgeons, even if you have to pay for the visits. I ended up getting cat scans, 2 MRI, X-rays , and an EMG study to finally get recommended for the fusion surgery. As I stated before, stay away from the crackers, but there has been much luck with physical therapy and yoga/ with a doctors approval of course. I am actually glad I recently had this surgery, as it has totally relieved all the left sided pain my first surgeon caused, and I actually should be able to get some of my life back ( still have right side nerve damage) and now I am still taking oxy and Valium along with lyrica, but cutting back slowly. Sorry about the ramble