First time mods on my 318 and it won't start...

It sounds like you're hungry, want to make a tasty dinner and are hoping it can be done with the ingredients you already have in your cupboard and fridge without needing to go to the store. You kinda know what you want so you take out all the ingredients but are unsure of how they all fit together. Instead of making sure you cook the root vegetable longer (carrots, potatoes) while the asperagus and chicken or steak for less time, you toss all the ingredients into one pan and hope for the best. It's kinda been cooking now for 10 minutes and the meat is looking burnt but the carrots are still rock hard. You scoop all of it onto a plate, take the first bite and you are disappointed.

You have done the same thing with your 4bbl upgrade. You kinda know the carb/choke is working properly and the linkages to it are not right. However, deep down you were hoping it would all just, somehow, work. Your best bet is to head back to the drawing board and ensure each component works before you add another component.