DIY paint booth fan question

Apparently not!!!!

I've contracted isocyanate poisoning twice due to stupidity at a young age and it felt like a 800 lb bear was sitting on my chest for months. I couldn't breath. I was on oxygen 24/7. I broke out in ugly rashes. I almost ruined my career. I don't get close to paint booths anymore other than to do my own stuff and I suit up like I'm going into space and my lungs still tingle a little bit afterwards (nerves) For you guys who think you're "bullet proof" , you're not, you're stupid. If you have a family and pulling this crap you're very stupid. .................Nuff said!!!!!

As far as the negative environmental impact you're very irresponsible.

I did too. I am hyper sensitive to it even during mixing and around open cans.

The list goes on and on as to the dangers. Respitory damage, brain damage, liver damage, central nervous system damage....