Canister on the passenger side fender?

Lose it, and at the same time, add a vapor separator style fuel filter to your gas line, close to the carb.
Plumb the oriface nipple of that to the steel line vacated by the canister and you'll get rid of 95% of any vapor lock issues you may have.

The problem with this idea is that line is your TANK VENT. You need to provide an additional vent of some sort. Some here advocate a vented cap, but that exposes you to gas puking out over the fender under some conditions.

A vapor return is a good idea if you are experiencing vapor lock/ fuel boiling. You don't need a hem filter. Wix Makes them in 5/16 or 3/8 line with a 1/4 return orifice I believe 33040 / 33041 are the numbers