DIY paint booth fan question

It just takes 1 car...... ask me how I know....isocyanate is no joke!!

Maybe more people need to chime in and tell their story. We need to get these points across to the careless hobbyists out there. Your lives are worth more than just saving a buck on a careless DIY job. The environmental impact needs to be considered and corrections must be made. Your families are counting on you to do what's right.

There are bodymen and painters out there that do jobs on the side for a little extra pocket money. The guys who don't take personal precautions, allow chemical fumes and dangerous VOC,s out into the atmosphere and endanger themselves, their family, and neighbors are the one's I really have a problem with because these people should know better. BTW - Please don't try to defend your careless actions because they don't fly with me.

I'm very fortunate, I only have a sensitivity to certain coatings. It could have (and should have) been much worse. My professional career is almost over, I'm healthy. I'm also looking forward to spending more time with my kids, grand kids, and hopefully great grand kids............... How about you?

If you think I'm a PITA you should meet my wife.

Be careful out there!!!
