Funny talk w the wife

She puts up with it, but we found some common ground. She likes to fish and I needed a boat for that. lol Boat not withstanding, sometimes you have to show some interest in their interests.

I do try show interest, most of her interests seem to revolve around facebook, and conspiracy theories, and lately she is going down the rabbit hole with the bilderbergers, rothschilds, child sex trafficking rings, deep state, pizza gate and that stuff. I'm not saying that its not real or anything, but this stuff is depressing. That and if i got a facebook acct it would be just another mopar outlet for me. I told her i was going to delete all political **** in my inbox, and not read it, and only save and play my daily online trivia game. I told her i'm sure that stuff exists and goes on but getting consumed by that conspiracy stuff online is not healthy especially when you cannot do a damn thing about it.

Yep tinkering w cars keeps me out of the bars, and away from women with loose morals, hey waitaminute that sounds liIe fun why did i get married again lol.