DIY paint booth fan question

I knew a guy who was the father of four siblings I went through school with. He was one of the dead best old school hot rodders around. Worked with him for a time at the local Chevy dealer.

He had a PLYWOOD shop in his back yard with a DIRT floor. ........and I kid you not, he actually painted several cars that were in the World of Wheels from local entrants when it used to come to town.

He would wet the floor down when he sprayed. I don't think I EVER saw him wear the first bit of protective equipment. But I am here to tell you, he painted some of the best paint jobs I have seen from anyone, anywhere.

This was back when lacquers, emrons and single stages were all the rage, so you know he breathed some serious stuff.

He was really a cool old guy. But..........he died way too young from several types of cancer. He never smoked.

I guess my point is, just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you will get by with it. Be careful.