Unnecessary ticket from a jerk Cop

With a little knowledge of the Colorado traffic laws as a retired trooper. All of the minor traffic infractions as they are referred to these days have been decriminalized. In other words they are infractions rather than offenses. With the decriminalization of these "minor" violations many of the rights have been removed. If the ticket was written into the Adams County court then he has the ability to appear and not guilty, the case will then be set for trial and the officer will be required to appear and present the people's case. He can be cross examined by the defendent or his attorney and the officer has the opportunity the cross examine the defendent if he testifies.

There is the possibility the officer won't show for the trial and the case will either be dismissed or continued, depending on the officers reason for not being able to show. The actual obscured vision statue if they have adopted the model traffic code and not a municipal elections code I'd that any crack, chip or obscure meant that would inhibit the drivers vision in any way is considered to be obscured vision.

Agreed there are some officers that enforce the letter of the law but as I discovered over 32 years and as the commander of a 30 man/women field troop office, it is usually much better to operate from what the intent of the law is rather than the letter. However some agencies train officers in traffic enforcement to the letter and let the judges define what the intent is.

Some of the issues in today's society is that people and the media rush to judgement without having all of the facts and circumstances. As such with the Tulsa, OK officer that was recently found not guilty of shooting and killing a black unarmed man. But when you look at the video from the media it looks pretty 1 sided.

With that said I will say based on what we know I would not have written the ticket, but let's just say that this vandalism happened a week or a month ago and the officer happens to know this because he took the report? Just saying.
To put it in a shorter version, My buddy had a saying, " There is always three sides to a story, one side, the other side, and the truth somewhere in the middle!"