What are the LD4B manifold worth?

I started following LD4B prices early last year when I decided to do upgrade from a 2bbl to a 4bbl. Most of the ones posted in the $120 to $175 range were well used and required several helicoils and since I wasn't in a hurry, I waited. A few nice ones (reconditioned with threads already helicoiled) were on eBay going between $200 and $250. After searching online for a couple of months, I found one posted on eBay, buy it now, for $140 including shipping. The seller had inherited a boat but it hadn't run in a while since the engine was seized and he was putting in a new engine. He was listing all the salvageable parts off the marine 318 which included a LD4B. The engine only had 410 hours on it since it was installed in 1980. All the threads were in great shape and it had never been painted. My concern was if the intake was warped from the engine overheating. However, considering the price, low hours and how it looked in the photos, I pulled the trigger on it pretty quickly. After doing the upgrade, I can say there's nothing wrong with it and I got it for a great price. There are some deals out there but they take a bit more time to get.

Since then, I've been surprised with how even the well used LD4B intakes are listed for more than $200!
