Dont loan out your tools

Years ago I loaned a brand new in-the-box cherry picker to a guy I worked with so he could pull his engine. A month or so went by and I had to ask him to return it. He said he had loaded to his dad and his dad was out of town. Blah, Blah, when I got it back the support arms were bent. The guy says, well my dad bent them, but if you put some heat on them you can straighten them. I said Oh no, this one belongs to you. What I loaned you was a brand new in the box cherry picker (from Costco) and what I expect back is a brand new in the box cherry picker from Costco. He pissed and moaned about "how unfair I was being" but I did get a brand new in the box Costco picker from him
I have a friend that I loaned quite a few tools to start his shop 6 years ago, Cherry picker, big battery charger, Heinz Warner trans jack,shop heaters, A/C tools. Well little by little he bought me a new cherry picker, new battery charger, Bought the trans jack from me, heaters, etc. So yes there are some good guys left in this world.