Need help with rotor phasing

Other than sometimes kicking back, I noticed when I had the cap off I looked at where the rotor had been firing on the towers. It is only firing on about three quarters of the towers on each cylinder. You can tell by the marks left on the towers. I cut a large hole in the side of the cap so I could actually see the rotor when it is firing with my timing light. It looks like it is firing just like the marks that was left. My initial shows 22 btdc. It is like the rotor needs to be turned about 7 degrees to fire on all the tower surface
Oh gee whiz forget about that pattern, the rotor is constantly moving about under there from about 1000 to 3000 or even a little higher depending on when it starts it's march and at what rpm it finishes. That is normal. If it hits the right tower that is all that is important.