
i used to have a VW passat, i believe it was an 05
the park brake was electronic
they had replaced the convertional brake adjuster with an electro motor
you press a button, it actuated a servo and the rear caliper locked up
(during normal operation these calipers would be hydraulic)
press the button again, the servo turn slightly the other way, and the brake is released

great idea right?
until its time to replace the rear brake pads because now you cant just back off the star adjusters, like on a drum car
you cant even put a C clamp on there and back bleed the calipers
you only have two options to get this servo backed off far enough to get new pads in
option 1
take it in to the dealership, have them hook it up to the computer, press a button to back off the caliper and charge you $250.00 (plus an additional $125.00 to install new pads because if they dont, the caliper will adjust again before you make it home
option 2
trace the wiring down to the connector, disconnect caliper from car and with a pair of jumperwires, hook it up to a lawnmower battery to actuate the servo and adjust it out (switch polarity if caliper goes in)

guess which option i chose?