Why is Pro Stock Dodge down on horsepower ?

Because Fiat DGAS about drag racing or developing or the R&D that is needed to compete!

And that's exactly why they built the Demon!

Wait. That doesn't make sense.

I think Fiat does give a ****. But only about where they can actually win. And that's why they pulled out. Why keep racing in a class you know you can't win? Take some time off. Develop better engines/tech, while saving money not racing. Then come back and win. I wouldn't be surprised if we see them back in a couple years fielding much better (read winning) cars. I think this is shown in the fact that even though they pulled out of pro stock, they are still pushing and supporting the other classes they are in.

As for why other teams aren't winning? RPM limit hurts. The new fuel injection rules hurt. Hell I was reading somewhere that one team took an entire day to figure out why the engine wasn't cranking under the new fuel injection rules. It's a learning curve for everyone.

For now I'll just watch Hagan win like he did this weekend!