La 360 Oil Pan Gasket....

so you're going to try to install it with the engine in the car? or you did? I tried that with that same gasket on my 360 - - - once. Everything is in the way, steering, trans lines, oil pick-up, headers (both had to be loosened on my car), even the trans dust shield IIRC. I know it seems like the easy answer, but I have got to say it - (unless someone knows a GREAT trick) you're wasting your time doing it in the car and will eventually have to take the engine out anyway. I just couldn't get the entire gasket to stay put correctly - even when I did finally get it to a point that I thought was going work, it didn't - the ONLY way I have been able to get the pan to seal properly with the one piece has been to take the engine out and get it on a stand. Maybe you'll have better luck with the old school multi piece gasket set (though I doubt it).. but that one piece is a superior piece and in the long run and IMO, well worth the hassle.