Fastest Street Cars In Your Town, 'Back In The Day'

I was a kid and my uncles would run some heavy iron in the 70's. These two guys were brothers( my moms brothers) one would run Fords, 59 fairlane, 61 galaxie, 63 Galaxie, and the other would run GM, 68 GTO, 67 Camaro, but the one car that my GM uncle had that was badass was a 68 Dodge Coronet R/T 440 automatic. He used to say if he just touched the gas pulling out the wheels would spin. This was in Pottstown area, I grew up there and remember well the cruising in the early/mid 80's. I remember when the bypass was still closed at Limerick, and the real serious guys would go out there to run. Light to light just got ya busted :)