State effin' Farm

Sorry to hear about your loss.
I learned the hard way not to be fair and trusting with an insurance company.
In a situation that sounds a lot like yours.
Let this be a sticky and warning to everyone.
If you are involved in a situation like this and dependent on the other person's insurance to pay for your damages.
Did you go to a doctor or emergency room right after the accident to document your "injuries"?
If not,you are screwed.
They are an insurance company.
It's what they do.
If you did go to the doctor......... well good.
You will get nothing for your material damages on what you are really owed for your car.
It's all about pain a suffering.
Lawyers work on a percentage of the medical.
It's the system.

And it's like the divorce lawyer commercial says on the radio, watch what you put in writing in emails, etc.