State effin' Farm

Auto insurance companies loose on the human bean/being factor. From minor pain and suffering, ( the decades of "My neck hurts" claims ) to the big coins on injuries, long term care, death.
No matter how much they lobby for safer vehicles and stricter laws, people die out there every day. So they pretty much have to pinch pennies on the vehicle/can factor. They are sooooo very glad/relieved that no one was seriously injured here and they hope the human beans can understand/feel the same way. I'm not defending the auto insurance companies. I think they showed there ignorance by going into the business of insuring cans of beans.
I took my most recent screwing from my mortgage company ( Wells Fargo ) and I still haven't completely healed. Reminding myself that there are places on this planet where mortgage vendors, insurance vendors, etc.., do not reside makes me more comfortable and glad to be here, occasional screwing and all. Good luck