State effin' Farm

Woman wrecked my Ranger. SIMPLE. No real injuries......other than sore throat for a couple of days from the baggie, they DID pay the tow bill and my eyeglasses.

Downhill from there. Other than screwin' me out of about a grand combination of my time, aggravation and what the truck is worth, they WANT ME TO DO THIS and LIKE it

1....some outfit the "IAA" keeps calling to "pick up my truck." Ok, look, we are talking about some outfit "some guy" I've never heard of, don't know where he's from or where he's going, take my pickup away FOR NOTHING and I'm sposed to sit on the curve and smile and wave

2......They sent me a UPS quick mail thingie THEY WANT me to SIGN and SEND the TITLE to them!!!!

So "now" they (would) have the TRUCK AND THE TITLE. Plus I'm sure "if" the (underpriced) check is sent, IT WILL BE BY REGULAR MAIL. So anybody could "notice" it out there in the mail box and cash it.

Do these people REALLY take us all for morons?

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By the way in just a few more days, State effin' Farm will have managed to stall and stretch this otherwise simple claim out to TWO MONTHS

You do not have to settle. I put mine in a friends shop. After months I got what I wanted and they paid him storage...