Mechanical or electrical gauges?

Temp pressure and volts; where are you gonna mount them?
If they are not in-your-face, when something goes wrong,they will never tell you something you don't already know.

you're driving along and a puff of smoke comes up from between the hood and the fender. Immediately your brain thinks; was that water? So you look at the gauge and sure enough it says "not normal". See, it verified what you already knew.

Example2; You're blasting thru the gears and you hear this noise that sounds like a rod-knock. Chit! So you check the pressure gauge and sure enough it says "not normal". Again it verified what you already knew.

Example 3;
You're driving along at night and suddenly the lights go dim. Chit! Your brain says;I think my alternator quit! So you check the volts gauge, and sure enough it says "not normal".

I always wanted a guage-pack in my Barracuda, But I've been driving without since 1999. The factory gauges are still in there and working just like the factory designed then to. And I almost never look at them. Well except for the pesky gas gauge,lol.

Since 1969 when I got my Drivers, I've had oil-pressure failures, cooling system failures and charging system failures. And the gauges never ever told me anything that I didn't already know. So
I vote the cheapest gauges you can find, cuz after the novelty wears off, you will rarely look at Until something goes wrong. And by then you will already know what.

I check my gauges every few minutes when I'm driving. Even in my new truck I am constantly looking at my gauges. I had no idea I had low oil pressure until I noticed a slight noise one day and decided to change the oil. I had metal in the filter so I put a gauge on it in the garage and saw I had no pressure. Would have been much easier to glance down at an oil pressure gauge and see a drop in pressure. Could have kept extra material out of my engine as well. My factory temp gauge works but I would much rather see the temperature in numbers than a needle pointing at a random place on a gauge.

It will be a pain finding a place to mount them but I will probably go under the dash with it. I will have to take my eyes off the road for a split second but we all do that every time we look in the rear view mirror.