can you opt out of a forum?

I made a decision in 1994, to forgive everybody all the time. That's why I'm still married to the same wife of my youth.I could tell you why I made that decision, but you might not agree with it. I tell you whattho; I'm never sick. Ok sure, I passed a couple of kidneystones, and it hurt a lot. And I am under attack all the time. Spiritual attack. But I have learned to deal with the fiery darts. But it is my belief that unforgiveness leads to sickness and disease, so I refuse to hold on to that crap.
My wife does not hold the same opinion, and fills her body with manmade chemicals, in a constant quest to not have to say "I'm sorry", or "I forgive you".
But I made her a promise on our wedding day, to love her no matter what; and I'm sticking to it.
So, I know a thing or two about this and that, but mostly I'm just a dumb schmoo, like mostly everybody I know. But the thing I am most glad to have figured out, and value more than absolutely anything,is that little thing called forgiveness.
So what's your point AJ?
A world of unforgiveness is what humanity has devolved to, and I'll be glad to wave bye-bye, when my time comes.
My point is; in the P&R forum,people say things that can be hurtful, and the only way around it is to forgive.One cannot wait for an apology, nor should one be expectrd. The onus is on the forgiver. That clears your slate, repairs the damage, and allows you to continue. Continue; to think,and to respond,and to not get angry, cuz when anger comes up, thinking goes away.