Coolant recovery tank on fender

Update on that coolant recovery tank. When I bought it the first thing I thought of was "wow, that's small". It's for a car with a much smaller coolant capacity system. I mounted it anyway because I hated the look of my rigged-up cheap one I got at the autoparts store. It's been a disappointment sadly. The tank levels out below the E line for me. I've refilled it several times to different levels. What happens is after driving it it fills up then spits out into the engine bay and onto the ground after shutoff, since it doesn't have a drain hose (just a notch in the cap). I've cleaned up the mess several times. No matter what it always levels back down to below the E mark and sits there, even though the hose in the bottle goes below that level. Must be due to the size and needing that capacity to fill/release during driving, or the sloshing around, not sure.

My old recovery tank didn't do this at all. it was about 3-4 times the capacity and also had a drain hose so it didn't make a mess. I put the old unsightly tank back on last weekend and drove the car several times since then. No coolant issues.

The quest continues to find a decent looking coolant recovery tank WITH a drain hose...

Hindsight 20/20 I wish I used more logic before moving forward with that tank. That tank is just so small it has no actual use other than aesthetics, or for a racing car that's required to have one. It's in the same ballpark as just running a drain hose with no recovery tank.