State effin' Farm

Well, "it's about over." Turns out there was confusion between "which agent." I ended up finally at the "correct" agent, and she did have the check.

I figure there's about 500-1000 left on the table, for underpayment on the rig, to "storage" for two months, to "lack of use", "frustration and stress" and actual work of about half a day, towing it around to body shops.

I intend to send one last email "final invoice" and I'm going to detail some of that. Worst they can do is "not pay." At least, finally, "I am this far."

This woman at this agent acted as if "this is the way it's done" I told her "why didn't Corporate come up with this earlier," and that "You do realize you work for a REAL piece of crap corporation. You could tell she gets this all the time, it did not phase her one bit.