bought a mystery 850 double pumper...

there were 3 annular carbs, 9379, 9380 and 9381
the 9381 is the 830cfm carb
based on the secondary linkage i bet that carb is a 9380, 850cfm, whats the number stamped on the throttle plates? looks like 1.75" plates to me...

also might wanna check all the bleeds in the carb, looks like it might be missing some idle bleeds.

I have a 9381 with overhead linkage on it. But mine is old. I think it was bought in 1989. Maybe 1990. The original base plate is long gone. It was one of the first changes I made to try and correct it.

So it may be a 9381 even with that linkage on it if it's old enough.