Vent window channel "Fuzzy" strip

I have read that the vent window channel strips are becoming hard to find and purchase. I have also seen how expensive they can be. I last saw them for $119 a pair. I also read a thread a while back on a Brazilian dart where the guy somehow refurbished his own Vent channel "fuzzy" strip. I am wondering if anyone ever considered re-"flocking" these strips. It couldn't be that hard, you could hang the part, spray black or clear paint on it, then toss it into a kitchen trash can liner with black flocking in it. Roll it around, then hang it and let it dry. Does anyone for see any complications with this idea? the only thing I can think of at the moment is a "chemical reaction" with the paint that may "degrade " the plastic channel piece, but I could research that. Also, it doesn't have to be paint, it could be glue, but I remember flocking in wood shop and using paint back in High School. I suppose the only way to find out is to try, but I wanted to post this and see if anyone else has tried it. I know that guy with the Brazilian Dart did something himself with these parts.