USS Fitzgerald

He said it's unlikely that he will make rank and won't be allowed to stay in once his time is up. Knowing nothing about the Navy, we were all a little confused by this.
Tell him to re-up before his EAS date or change MOS/Title. He could always 'cross deck' to another service (Marines) or join the active reserves and babysit an empty building 3 weeks a month. My employer allows reservist duty 2 weeks a year off the books.
Getting back to the collision. Navy says it may take up to a year to determine the findings on the collision. thats a crock: there is so much data on the ships logs (any modern ships) that all you would have to do was to subpoena the nav records of all the ships within 20 miles of the event and plot them. They are saying that the container ship made 'erratic' maneuvers 10 minutes before the collision and that set off a chain reaction as the shipping lanes are pretty congested in that area. I hope we get a speedy verdict on this for the 7 Sailors sake.