New shop maybe?

Carolina Carports.... You are making a mistake though unless code prevents it and that is height. Go 12' and when the times comes to install a lift (go flip burger part time at McDonald's if needed to pay for it lol) the hard work will be done. I recently started installing 2" Styrofoam on the walls and every piece helps with temp control and noise. They are not necessarily the nicest looking building but otherwise it is hard to beat. No contractor drama, easy to order, and put up real quick like (mine was within 6 weeks from ordering and they assembled it in a day.)

Ask away with other questions if needed and good luck....

Any pictures haha? No the height was just an idea. How thick does the concrete need to be for a lift?. I've already done the flipping burger thing when I was younger haha. Ideally I'd eventually like to insulate it, wood stove for heat, window unit for AC, power and water eventually.