Anybody had an extended dry, "fake' cough with a chest vibration?

I am not "sick" but have a frequent urge to cough, I guess the chest feels a little tight or something when I inhale. It's more like what I call a "fake" cough, I can breathe without this dry cough or I can make myself cough, if you know what I mean. In addition to that, sometimes (not every time) I feel an accompanying vibration that coincides at the same time as the cough, like a cell phone went off right in the middle of my chest for half a second. Nothing painful, but after six months this is beginning to get on my nerves. Don't know the medical/technical terms to describe these "symptoms". When I checked with the doctor six months ago, he said my lungs sounded clear, however, this "condition" is not what I would call normal. If you have experienced anything similar please share any hints on how to describe this in more specific detail at my next exam. Thank you very much. (non-smoker, 61 years old with a forever skinny build)