Anybody had an extended dry, "fake' cough with a chest vibration?

I son had the same symptoms for months and we took him to the doctor numerous times, they could never find anything. Then we were really frustrated one day to hear him sitting on his computer and every now and then he would clear his throat or mildly cough for no reason. We took him to the doctor again (5th time) and made the doctor understand that it wasn't normal. The doctor (which was a different doctor than all the rest) said that he thought he new exactly want my son had. He had the nurse draw some blood and do some tests.......and "viola"". Turns out my son had a Mycoplasma infection in his lungs. You can look it up on the internet but it's basically an very tough bug that settles into your lungs and even though the previous doctors had given my son antibiotics 2 or 3 times during the previous months the Mycoplasma wouldn't die. But the new doctor knew how to kill it. It took 3 -4 weeks of continuous antibiotics and to kill the bug.
I'm not saying that "Mycoplasma" is what you have but doctors are not all created equal and what one doctor knows another may not know or be familiar with. But, one thing is for sure, your condition is not normal!!
